Monday, June 6, 2011


I was able to get my garden in before Memorial Day.  A friend brought me some fresh asparagus and I got to thinking that asparagus would be a nice addition to my garden.  I asked if they knew where I could buy some.  I couldn't recall seeing it anywhere to buy.  They told me to come over and dig some up. I couldn't find my shovel so I headed out with a trowel, garden gloves and a prayer that if needed they'd let me borrow a shovel. 

Let me tell you, aparagus is some tough stuff with HUGE root systems that are pretty thick and deep.  I won the battle, but it was a fight!!!  Asparagus is a worthy opponent.  I had sweat dripping off my forhead and I honestly can't tell you the last time that happened up here!  I got is home and got it planted in a nice sunny spot.  Can't wait to pick some next spring!

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