Monday, March 1, 2010

Recipe Request

Homemade Laundry Detergent

I like to make the powdered laundry detergent. I have made the liquid, but I think that this is easier to make and use.

Here is my recipe:

1 bar of ivory soap
3 cups washing soda
3 cups Borax

I usually double it. I grate the 1 bar of soap in my food processor, then add a cup each of the washing soda and borax and process with the blad, then dump it in my pail, then repeat with the second bar. I then add the remaining cup of washing soda and Borax to the pail. I shake it up well. I use about 1 1/2 tablespoon of detergent in each load. It is a good idea to give the pail a shake before using. This has worked well for us.

Here is a link to a website with more laundry detergent information:

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