Thursday, May 14, 2009

Think on These Things Thursday

I will do a post on Think on These Things Thursday tonight when I have more time. I usually post in the morning but due to the "hicupps of life," I am left with precious little time to be coherent. :o)

Ya'll have a great day!


DealFinder said...

They say that when you get hiccups you should take a teaspoon of sugar. I wonder if sugar helps with the hiccups of life too? I often find that it does, particularly in chocolate form. ;~)

Becky said...

Hmm, interesting thought, I like that. They also say that holding your breath can help get rid of hiccups, I wonder if you could hold your breath until you pass out and then when you wake up, all is well? :o)
P.S. I really have nothing tragic going on, just a lot of stuff that gobbles up time. The passing out idea might come in useful at a later date, though.:o)