Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Sunday, October 3, 2010

We started off the day at the Grand Canyon Baptist Church that meets in one of the buildings at the Grand Canyon.  There were several Mule deer that walked across our path right in front of us.  We then went out to the west again and stopped at several stops along the way.  Again, it was amazing to see the beauty of each spot and the ways the canyon is so different from each spot.

We went to Flagstaff for church and we went to a church that is just starting.  We found kindred spirits at this church and really enjoyed meeting the people and the service was great.  On our way to and from Flagstaff, we drove through the Coconino national forest and through some mountains. 

There was quite a thunder storm in the middle of the night.  We also heard coyotes and elk calls.

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