Sunday, June 27, 2010


I know that this seems to be all I post anymore.  I just don't seem to have a whole of creative juice lately, could be the reading about ENT things--like ethmoid sinuses, olfactory nerves and all kinds of diseases that has done this to me!  There is just so much to learn at my new job that my brain is full of all that!!!

I am still enjoying my job and feeling really blessed that God gave it to me.  It is just enough challenge and very interesting.  :o)  I work with a great bunch of people, but really miss my old coworkers still. 

We had a quiet week here on the home front.  Last graduation party of the year was yesterday.  We also went to a nearby state park with some friends and made Smores.  :o) 

Timothy mowed the grass again--all by himself, even started the mower himself. 

We also planned Kaitlyn's birthday meal--Macaroni and Cheese, corn on the cob, mozarrella cheese sticks--the kind you bake and carmel/shortbread/chocolate dessert with Neopolatin icecream.  Hope the nutrition police are not nearby on Wednesday night!!!

Have a great week!

Sunday, June 20, 2010


This past week was a busy one.  We had Vacation Bible School at church.  We had a great time with the kids and quite a few decisions for Christ! 

We had only one day that it rained during Bible School, but it threatened several others, but God kept the rain away. 

Speaking of storms, Thursday night there were tornado and severe weather warnings for our area.  My kids decided it would be fine if a tornado hit our house because then we could move out in the country!  They were nice enough to be concerned about the dog and thought we should maybe bring him with us in case a tornado hit.  Kids!!!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Really haven't forgotten my blog!

So sorry to have neglected my blog lately.  It seems that my brain is having a hard time coming up with posts of late.  I think that I have been using all its energy to learn my new job and there is very little left for posting.  My schedule has also changed in that I leave for work over an hour earlier, so I no longer have time in the morning to post and by the time I get home, my brain is just too tired!

To catch up:

Work is going really well. I am really enjoying my new job.  The people have been very kind and understanding about all I have to learn!  The doctors are not only nice, but also very smart and caring.  It is pretty difficult to work with doctors that are either difficult to get along with or that you can't recommend whole heartedly!  I feel amazingly blessed that God saw fit to give me this job.  It is neat to look back and see how He HAS been answering my prayer regarding finding a new job over the past year, He was preparing just the job for me.  At times when I feel a little overwhelmed with all I need to learn, I remind myself that God clearly gave me this job and He doesn't call someone to something they are going to fail in!  He will and has given me the wisdom I need when I needed it.  How great to serve a God who helps us when we need it.  It has also been really nice to enjoy going to work again.  The days are flying by, I've even a couple of time stayed later than I meant to without realizing the time!  It is kind of amazing to realize how much less stressed I am, even with learning a new job and field of medicine than at my old job.  I miss the people I used to work with, but not the job itself. 

Family life:
We had a nice Memorial Day weekend--
On Saturday, hubby and I got to go out for out 12th anniversary.  We went to a nice, authentic Italian restaurant with great food, then for a walk along the Lake Walk and for icecream. 
On Memorial Day, we had a picnic with friends in a beautiful park that has a river running through it, so the kids were able to catch cray fish and tadpoles.  We also had a nice time hiking.  We also got the vegetable garden planted.  (For those of you who live south of us, we are not procrastinators, you just can't trust is not to frost until now!!!)

Today we went to the open house for our pastor and his wife for their 40th anniversary.  What a testimony they have been over the years!

Hopefully, I can pay a bit more attention to my blog, but have decided not to stress about it.  :o)