Monday, February 15, 2010

Weekend Recap

This weekend was spent switching rooms with the girls. I never cease to be amazed at all the stuff and JUNK that can be acculmulated. We have about 7 garbage bags of garbage and 8 bags of stuff to be given away. All I have left to do for the switch is curtains and changing the stuff on the walls around. The rest of my house ended up being rather neglected, though. Not to mention there is a headboard and bunch of bags of stuff to give away in my living room!

This will be a busy week. Blue/gold banquet for Cub Scouts. "T" becomes a Boy Scout tonight. Tomorrow night is Ladies' Meeting at Church. Wednesday night--Church. Thursday--get groceries for people coming over on Saturday. Friday--new bedroom set arrives--get food ready/clean. Saturday AM--get food ready/clean/snow tubing in afternoon/people come over after for refreshments. I think I should be able to stay busy enough to stay out of trouble. :o)

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