Wednesday, April 8, 2009

A Morning Walk

Duke has gotten himself into a little of trouble the last couple of days while we were gone, so I decided that I should take him for a long walk in the morning so he would be too tired to get into trouble (hopefully!:o). He's kind of like a little kid who needs to burn off energy in a good way so he doesn't decide to use the energy chewing up stuff!!!

I got up, as did all four kids. They were up and ready to go by the time I was, so we all went for a walk. It really was nice. Every time I get up and go for a walk I wonder why I don't do it more often! It is nice to see how much the kids enjoy it and how excited they get about running on top of the snow heaps that are still around. Oh, yeah, there are also the partially frozed mud puddles to walk through!!! It was also nice to see the birds and hear them chirping. Duke even made some progress in the leash manners department!

I was going to say that you can almost feel spring in the air, but changed my mind as I am sure that would be a guarantee for another snow storm!!! So, there was definitely the chill of winter still in the air! :o)

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