Monday, May 23, 2011


I admit I am a fair weather gardener.  I don't enjoy gardening in the cold or rain, so I just got out and started weeding tonight.  Unfortunately, the weeds appear to adore poor weather and got quite the head start.  I must say, though that they still aren't any match for my pitch fork.  Another discovery was that my garden gloves have seen better days!!  I decided to be a grown up and wear them, only to discover that my fingers were poking through the ends and my nails were caked with dirt!!!  The good news is they came clean--almost.  Hope nobody notices at our Leadership conference tomorrow for work.

Speaking of gardens, we were driving and I saw some purple tulips that I admit I was envious of.  Look what I found in my yard.

 I had COMPLETELY forgotten that I had planted tulips that I got on sale last year!!!  I hadn't been to that part of my yard lately to see them!  It was like Christmas.  I was so excited.  The kids thought I was rather silly for forgetting I had planted them. I'm kind of glad I did, it made the surprise so much fun!!!

HMMMM... I wonder if envying the corvette down the street would work the same....

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